Your environment may require you to manually install Linux to monitor your devices. Learn how to manually install Linux on your device using a variety of methods, and verify installation.
Before using the Linux agent, learn about supported Linux versions and installation prerequisites. For a complete list of supported versions, see Agent Compatibility, System Requirements, and Impacts.
For information on installing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú agent, see Install the Agent from the User Portal.
New remote employees? No problem. You can enable remote installation of the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú agent from the User Portal, making it easy for new remote employees to install the agent on their work computers from home. See Enable Users to Install the Agent.
- A supported Linux version
- Local administrator with Sudo access to the system(s).
- An Internet connection with the ability to connect to .
Manually Installing the Linux Agent
To install the Linux agent manually:
- Log in to the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Admin Portal: .
- Go to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Devices.
- Click ( + ).
- On the New Device panel, select Linux.Ìý
- Copy the Install Command.
- Log in to a Linux device as an administrator.
- Open the terminal, then paste and run the install command.
- The installer will:
- Check for compatibility.
- Check to ensure the device clock is accurate.
- Generate a private key and certificate signing request, used for secure communications with the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú.
- Install dependencies.
- Download the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú agent.
- Create a "jcagent" service, which will be configured to run at boot.
- Start the agent.
Installing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Agent Using Puppet
To install the Linux agent using Puppet, run the following manifest:
package { ['curl', 'bash'] :
ensure => present,
} ->
exec { 'agent_install' :
command => "curl -sS -H 'x-connect-key: your-connect-key-goes-here'| bash",
path => [ '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin' ],
timeout => 600,
creates => '/opt/jc'
Installing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Agent Using Chef
To install the Linux agent using Chef, run the following recipe:
package 'curl'
package 'sudo'
package 'bash'
execute 'agent_install' do
command "curl --tlsv1.2 --silent --show-error --header 'x-connect-key: your-connect-key-goes-here' ' ' | sudo bash"
path [ '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin' ]
timeout 600
creates '/opt/jc'
Installing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Agent Using Ansible
Note: For third-party Ansible roles, go to: .
To install the Linux agent using Ansible, run the following playbook:
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: Install curl package (Debian based)
action: apt pkg='curl' state=installed
when: "'$ansible_pkg_mgr' == 'apt'"
- name: Install curl package (RedHat based)
action: yum name='curl' state=installed
when: "'$ansible_pkg_mgr' == 'yum'"
- name: Check if ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú is already installed
shell: "[ -d /opt/jc ] && echo 'Found' || echo ''"
register: jc_installed
- name: Update time
shell: "ntpdate -u"
when: "not jc_installed.stdout"
- name: Install ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú
shell: "curl --header 'x-connect-key: your-connect-key-goes-here' | sudo bash"
when: "not jc_installed.stdout"
Verifying Linux Agent Installation from Terminal
To verify or change status in Linux from terminal, run the following command as root:
[root@host ~]# service jcagent status
jcagent.service - ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jcagent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2016-09-01 13:27:16 MDT; 3h 26min ago
Main PID: 890 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Here is what the process should look like:
[root@host ~]# ps -aufx | grep jumpcloud
root 2272 0.0 0.1 3840 1292 ? Sl 13:27 0:00 /opt/jc/bin/agent-monitor -exec=/opt/jc/bin/jumpcloud-agent -conf=/opt/jc/jcagent.conf
root 2275 0.0 1.6 682980 16400 ? Sl 13:27 0:03 \_ /opt/jc/bin/jumpcloud-agent -conf=/opt/jc/jcagent.conf
To check the agent’s service status:
service jcagent status
For newer devices with systemd, you can also use systemctl:
systemctl status jcagent
Verifying Linux Agent Installation from the Admin Portal
To verify the Linux Agent installation from the Admin Portal:
- Log in to the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú Admin Portal: .
- Go to DEVICE MANAGEMENT > Devices.
- In the Devices list, the Status of the new device will have a green check mark next to it if added successfully.
Reducing Agent Install Time on Linux
On hosts that are fully up to date, installing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú agent should take less than a minute. However, in the case of small/micro instances, where network bandwidth is limited, or where a system is out of date, you can take steps to reduce agent install time significantly.
Make sure to run on Ubuntu/Debian or RHEL/Cent/Amazon Linux, respectively:
apt-get update
yum check-update
After making sure the system is up to date, preinstall agent dependencies. A list of dependencies is maintained in Agent Compatibility, System Requirements, and Impacts.