
Create Reports With the PowerShell Module

The ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú PowerShell Module is a powerful tool designed to simplify administrative tasks for IT professionals. By using PowerShell commands, you can create reports for devices, users, System Insights, and more.



ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú offers Technical Support and Professional Services. This article is intended to provide guidance and examples for utilizing the ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú PowerShell Module. If you require assistance with custom scripting or specialized solutions, consider contacting your Account Manager.

To connect to the PowerShell Module and export CSV reports:

  1. At a PowerShell prompt, enter the following command and your API key when prompted: Connect-JCOnline


Need help finding your ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú API key? See ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú APIs.

  1. After authenticating, select the appropriate Get- command needed to create the report. In this example, we'll use Get-JCUser.
  2. Once you've determined the command needed to collect the information, append it using the PowerShell Utility Export-CSV. This converts the results into a series of character-separated value (CSV) strings and saves it to a file.
    • See Microsoft's to learn more.

Get-JCUser -department IT -returnProperties email, firstname, lastname | Export-Csv -Path .\IT.csv 

  • This example creates a CSV file with all the users under the IT department with email, first name, and last name values.
  • The default save path for the CSV file:
    • macOS: /Users/username
    • Windows: C:\Users\Username from user account you ran the command.

Understanding Get Commands

The Get parameter in the Get-JCUser cmdlet indicates the action of retrieving information. When used without additional parameters, it fetches details about all ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú users within the specified ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú org. Additionally, it enables targeted searching for a particular user by specifying parameters such as username, firstname, lastname, or email.

Example 1: To create a report of users within a specific department, use the parameter -Department “String“. Replace the string value with the name of the department.

The following example returns all users under the IT department with all the properties of the user:

Get-JCUser -Department "IT"

You can limit the results to specific values by leveraging -returnProperties. This example shows all the users under the IT department but will return only the email, first name, and last name values:

Get-JCUser -department IT -returnProperties email, firstname, lastname

Example 2: To find a specific application installed on devices, use Get-JCSystemApp. The following example will return all macOS devices that have Chrome installed:

Get-JCSystemApp -name chrome -SystemOS macOS


Some properties are case sensitive, so be sure that you're using the correct value.

Additional PowerShell Report Examples

The following section contains common ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú PowerShell commands that you can run to collect reporting data for your ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú managed devices and users. For a full list of ºÚÁϺ£½Ç91Èë¿Ú PowerShell commands available, see .

Installed Application Reporting

  • Find a specific application (Chrome) installed on macOS devices and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystemApp -name chrome -Search -SystemOS macOS | Export-Csv -Path .\Chrome.csv

  • Query all installed applications for all macOS devices and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystemApp -SystemOS macOS | ConvertTo-CSV | Out-File macOSapps.csv

  • Query all installed applications for all macOS devices (excluding OS supplied or native applications) and output to CSV:

get-jcsystemapp -SystemOS macOS | ?{$_.Path -notlike '/System/' -and $_.Path -notlike '/Library/'} | export-csv filename.csv

  • Query all installed applications for all Linux devices and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystemApp -SystemOS linux | ConvertTo-CSV | Out-File linuxPackages.csv

  • Query all installed applications on all Windows devices and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystemApp -SystemOS windows | select-object systemid,name,publisher,version,installdate,installsource,identifyingnumber | ConvertTo-CSV | Out-File windowsPackages.csv

Device Reporting

  • List devices with drives where Bitlocker is enabled and Auto Unlock is disabled:

Get-JCSystemInsights -Table BitlockerInfo | select-object systemid, ProtectionStatus, driveletter | Where-Object {$_.protectionstatus -eq 2}

  • Query devices with a last contact date within the last 90 days and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystem -filterDateProperty lastContact -dateFilter after -date (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) -returnProperties hostname, lastContact, created | Export-Csv JCSystemslastContact.csv

  • List devices that are bound to a domain:

get-jcsystem | select-object hostname,domaininfo | where-object {$_.domaininfo.domainName -ne ""} 

  • Collect device full disk encryption (FDE) keys and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystem | ? fde -Like "*keyPresent=True; active=True*" | Select-object hostname, _id, @{Name='key';Expression={Get-JCSystem -SystemID $_._id -SystemFDEKey | Select-object -expandProperty key}} | Export-CSV JCSystemFDEKeys.CSV

  • Query devices where FDE is enabled but keys are not escrowed and output to CSV:

Get-JCSystem | ? fde -Like "*keyPresent=false; active=True*" | Select-object hostname, ID, FDE | | Export-CSV JCSystemMissingFDEKeys.CSV

User Reporting

  • List all users and their password expiration dates:

[int]$UTCOffset = '-6' # Update with your locations timezone offset to UTC. 8 = Singapore Standard Time, -5 = EST, - 8 = PST, -6 = MDT

Get-JCUser -returnProperties username, password_expiration_date, password_expired | Select-Object username, @{name = "password_expiration_date"; expression = { ($_.password_expiration_date).addHours($UTCOffset)}}, @{name ="day of week";expression = {(($_.password_expiration_date).addHours($UTCOffset)).DayOfWeek}}, password_expired | Sort-Object password_expiration_date

  • Lists users not bound to a device:

$Users = Get-JCUser
$Users |
Where-Object {$_.Id -notin (Get-JCAssociation -Type:('user') -Id:($_.Id) -TargetType:('user_group')).id} | Select-Object username

  • List users not bound to a user group:

$Users = Get-JCUser
$Users |
Where-Object {$_.Id -notin (Get-JCAssociation -Type:('user') -Id:($_.Id) -TargetType: ('user_group')).id} |
Select-Object username

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