When evaluating your organization’s technology choices, there are a few different angles to took at it from:
- Usefulness – Do the pieces of tech that make up your stack accomplish what you need them to in the most efficient way possible?
- Total cost of ownership – Is your where you want it to be, or can it be improved with different tools?
- User experience – Is your chosen tech easy to use? Does it save or suck IT’s time?
- Employee experience – How does your technology affect the employee experience at your company? Is it promoting productivity and happiness or frustrating and holding up end users?
This article focuses on the employee experience aspect of your tech evaluation process.
Consider this: of employees are more likely to remain at your company for 3 years if they have a positive onboarding experience. Though onboarding is just one small piece of the employee experience puzzle, it’s an important one, and your technology is the foundation of your onboarding processes.
This is important because if your tech isn’t up to par, then your workflows become disconnected and inefficient, and HR and IT will either have to work harder to make up for that, or your onboarding and identity lifecycle management tasks will be substandard. This leads to IT and HR frustration and burnout, decreased productivity on the end user’s part, and unsatisfied employees, which all negatively affects your bottom line.
A good starting point when evaluating your IT tech stack from the angle of how your tech impacts the employee experience is to survey employees with tech- and IT-specific questions. Here are a handful to get you started:
10 Tech Stack and Employee Experience Questions
1. Rate your onboarding experience in the following areas:
a. Device setup (1-5 scale)
b. Access setup (1-5 scale)
c. Technical orientation (1-5 scale)
2. Did you have access to everything technology-wise that you needed on day 1 of your employment? (Yes/No)
Role and/or Access Changes
3. Have you changed roles or responsibilities since joining the organization? (Yes/No)
a. If yes, rate your role change experience (1-5 scale)
b. If yes, did you have to reach out to IT or HR to fix anything after your role change, or was it all handled correctly behind the scenes? (Had to reach out./Everything was handled appropriately.)
- If they answer that they had to reach out, you can provide a box for them to further explain the issue.
4. Have your access needs changed over time for any other reason? (Yes/No)
a. If yes, rate how efficiently this was handled (i.e., Did your privileges change in a timely manner to allow you to be productive?) (1-5 scale)
b. If yes, rate how effectively this was handled (i.e., When your privileges were changed, did you have everything you needed to be productive?) (1-5 scale)
Remote/In-Office Work
5. At any point with our organization, did you switch between in-office and remote work? (Yes/No)
a. If yes, when switching from in-office to remote work, did IT and HR ensure that you were set up to be productive from the moment you changed your work style? (Yes/No)
6. When working from a new location, was your technical experience impacted in a negative way? (i.e., Were you able to access everything you needed with the appropriate security measures in place?) (Yes/No/NA)
Specific Tools
7. How satisfied are you with the apps, software, and other tools you use on a daily basis? (1-5 scale)
8. How satisfied are you with the efficiency and ease of daily login processes? (1-5 scale)
9. How satisfied are you with our password management tool? (1-5 scale)
General Pulse Check
10. How satisfied are you with the preparedness of the IT department based on past interactions you’ve had? (1-5 scale)
Creating Your Survey
All of the questions listed here are general suggestions to get you started with evaluating your tech stack vs your employees’ experiences. Modify or remove them as you see fit – feel free to make them more specific or allow employees to write in open-ended answers, to give you a better picture of how your tech truly impacts each person’s day-to-day responsibilities.
If you’re looking to improve the employee experience at your organization, it’s important to find and employ technology that connects seamlessly and reduces any current tech disruptions that your end users face. A good place to start is by ensuring that IT’s directory service and HR’s tool of choice connect well. Employee experience and security issues often begin when these two tools don’t work well together, leading to even bigger issues down the line.